Good news for the Hobby… Fingers Crossed

Recently Josh KI6NAZ of Ham Radio Crash Course fame posted a video about a bill going through the House of Representatives that will hopefully loosen the grip of HOAs on Amateur Radio Operators.

You can learn more about the bill here on ARRLs Website or watch the excellent summary done by Josh here.

Although I am hopeful that this gets traction and eventually gets to the Senate, I do want other Amateur Radio Operators to take note that if you live in an HOA like myself, it’s essential to help support the passing of this bill.

Get in touch with your Reps office and let them know that the Amateur Radio Community is being held hostage from being able to support their local associations and community in times of emergency because of the tight restrictions placed on them by not being able to erect antennas and assemble stations.

I know several Ham’s -like myself- who are restricted and can’t establish stations due to HOA laws.

So please take time to let your government officials know. Your fellow Hams and the hobby as a whole need your voice.


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