TOP 5 HAM IOS APPS : Part Deux
Following the positive feedback I received on my previous blog post about the best Ham Apps for iOS, I thought I'd share another list. Without further ado, here are five Ham Apps for iOS that I personally find useful. Please note that these apps are presented in no particular order, and some may be free or low-cost. For full transparency, I purchased these apps with my own money, so the reviews are solely based on my own opinion.
Let’s dive in!
APRS is a well-liked mode utilized in ham radio. The APRS website for tracking plays a significant role in this infrastructure. Whenever possible, I employ APRS on my mobile and handheld devices. I understand that some people feel uneasy about being tracked. Still, I want to emphasize that utilizing APRS on your mobile device improves other tracking systems, particularly in VHF/UHF propagation. Your APRS data can aid in predicting when DX windows open up, as your spotting information provides insight into when and where these openings may occur. The APRS web Shortcut app is one of my smartphone's “important” apps.
I won’t go into much detail with this app as you can easily google it and find a “butt-Ton” of reviews on the app. But if you do any Portable radio or POTA itself, you know its value as a logger. Having it on multiple platforms makes quick, speedy logging the only choice.
You're not alone if you struggle with differentiating between UTC and military time. I often try to calculate the local time when presented with UTC. But with Zulu Time, you no longer have to go through that hassle. This straightforward app has a screen widget that displays the current Zulu time and offers a time converter to help you convert local time to UTC. It's a fantastic addition to your Ham Toolbelt.
APP COST: $3.99
This app may be simple, but it offers a wealth of information when you're out in the field. It utilizes the phone's GPS to determine your latitude, longitude, altitude, and grid square. I find this app incredibly useful when I engage in digital POTA, as it simplifies setting up WSJT-X with the correct grid square.
Building an antenna can be challenging, especially when determining the correct length of wire. While many calculators online can help, I often find myself in a situation where I need to cut the wire and can’t access my paper calculations. That's where HamAntCal comes in - I can quickly get the wire lengths I need with just a few input values. This app offers a variety of calculations for different types of antennas, including ¼ verticals, inverted V's, ½ wave dipoles, and more. Although I don't use it frequently, I always turn to HamAntCal when I need assistance with antenna building.
APP COST: $.99
These are my favorite five Ham apps for iOS. I'm interested in hearing your feedback if you've tried any of them. Additionally, if there are any other Ham apps that you use that I didn't mention, please share them in the comments section. I'm constantly on the lookout for new Ham apps to test out!