POTA Activations, Featured, • 8/9/23 Planes, Trains and Failed Activations at K-8384 Previous POTA DOGS Assemble! - Making a lousy day way better POTA with your Buddy! Next Can we activate a park in Poor Band Conditions? You Might Also Like Field Day is Coming - Short Update Minecraft: Radio Craft for Ham Radio NearFest 2023 Hamfest in DeerField, NH Unveiling the Reliance End Fed HW Antenna: A True Game-Changer Ground Control to Major Todd
POTA Activations, Featured, • 8/9/23 Planes, Trains and Failed Activations at K-8384 Previous POTA DOGS Assemble! - Making a lousy day way better POTA with your Buddy! Next Can we activate a park in Poor Band Conditions? You Might Also Like Field Day is Coming - Short Update Minecraft: Radio Craft for Ham Radio NearFest 2023 Hamfest in DeerField, NH Unveiling the Reliance End Fed HW Antenna: A True Game-Changer Ground Control to Major Todd